25th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Walk-A-Thon
“Silent No More…The March Continues!”
Monday, January 15, 2017
8 am – 2 pm
Stratton Center at Bordwell Park
2008 Martin Luther King Blvd.
Riverside, CA 92507
8 am – Registration
9:15 am – Stretching / Welcome
10 am – Walk begins from Stratton Center to RCC Digital Library
After the walk join us for a short program, booths, entertainment, performances and a contest for the organization with the most number of walkers (cash prize)
Cost $15 (includes T-Shirt)
Click here to register by mail
Click here for Sponsorship Opportunities
Click here for a downloadable flyer
For more information Contact:
Sue Strickland
***Proceeds from the Walk-A-Thon will benefit the Riverside African American Historical Society to support the Civil Rights Institute, Clarke & Grier College scholarships and for the maintenance and upkeep of the Martin Luther King Jr. statue.***