Mission Heritage Plaza

Mission Heritage Plaza has 72 units of 1, 2, and 3 bedroom affordable housing. These new homes will add workforce housing to Downtown Riverside. The development will also provide a new home for the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County.

The units will be rented to individuals and families earning 60% or less of the Area Median Income (currently about $39,000 for a family of four). Who will qualify? A single parent with 3 children making $18/hour is a great example. These working families include wage earners who may be pre-school teachers, library technicians, food service workers, healthcare aides, nursing assistants, pharmacy technicians, construction workers, accounting clerks, medical secretaries, and others.

Twenty-two of those homes will be designated as permanent supportive housing for veterans, including those with disabilities and some who have been homeless.

The developer of the project is Wakeland Housing and Development Corporation


The preliminary design includes two buildings: one with the Civil Rights Institute of Inland Southern California, Fair Housing Council of Riverside County offices, and housing connected by a central plaza to a smaller building with homes that have a friendly, “front porch” design.


Located just steps from Riverside’s civic center and the historic Mission Inn, Mission Heritage Plaza will offer easy access to public transit, shopping and other community resources. While living at Mission Heritage Plaza, residents will be able to participate in a number of onsite activities such as computer workshops and community gatherings.


The budget for Mission Heritage plaza is $35 million, which will come from a mix of public and private sources – including Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Veterans Housing and Homelessness Prevention (VHHP) loan, the City of Riverside and private donors.

One million dollars of that budget will come from a public fundraising campaign and go directly toward the construction of the Civil Rights Institute of Inland Southern California.

You can donate to the Civil Rights Institute campaign at www.inlandcivilrights.org/donate


Wakeland is currently assembling the financing for Mission Heritage Plaza and the project team is coordinating the fundraising drive for the Civil Rights Institute. We anticipate that all funding sources will be in place for a construction start date in mid-2019 with lease up and completion in 2020.